Sunday, January 21, 2018


Hey, kiddo. It's me. Been a while, huh? You're turning 21 soon!!!!! When you were 14, you didn't think you'd last the year! And look at you now, still on this goddamn planet 7 years later!! Well done :)

Alright, some life updates.
You made it through college!! College was a mess. You had a kinda-somewhat girlfriend, you drank yourself into oblivion, you made amazing friends, you reconnected with Ebony, you got a boyfriend, you DIRECTED A PLAY, you flunked most of your subjects but overall I guess it turned out okay for you? Highlights of college were definitely meeting people and reconnecting with old people and PRODUCTION!! You acted in a play!! You DIRECTED a play!!! Who does that with finals less than a few months away?!?!?! YOU, that's who!! The lows of college include said kinda-somewhat girlfriend and shitty coping mechanisms that you've grown out of now! I think having her in your life was horrible and problematic but it taught you a lot about the kind of person you want to be with in the future. Having a serious boyfriend was fun while it lasted but it made you realise that you shouldn't settle for someone just because they're nice. Flunking A levels was tough but it brought you to a path that seemed a little brighter and now you're in a university doing pretty well and hopefully will end up in an environment where you thrive. You cut yourself quite a bit in college. It was tough for you. Family things were rough too. Your dad moved out. That still gets a little tough once in a while but you're tougher now. And even if you're not, you're dealing with it and that's OKAY. You don't have to be perfect.

University updates! Now you're in university!!! Holy shit, you used to think secondary school was gonna be a nightmare but goddamn I wish I could go back sometimes. You're currently pursuing a degree of Business and Commerce from Monash, which I know sounds awfully boring to past-Dhan, but is actually pretty cool and pretty relatable! You've made some friends in uni so far but I think you're gonna need a little more time before you feel like you're a part of that group. Keep studying! Keep doing well! You have goals and you need to work so you can get to them.

Family updates! Your relationship with mum is going great! You talk a lot more and you're honest with each other so things are going pretty smoothly. Just try not to bring up the fact that you're hella bisexual. Dad is okay. You don't really see him much and you don't really talk to him much. He's done some fucked up things but at the heart of it he's still your dad and you do love him and you do feel sorry for putting him through the crap you did. Anisha is good! You need to talk to her more often! She's working in Scotland now and sometimes you don't talk for ages but things are still good.

LOVE LIFE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!! Alright this is a big one. You may or may not have potentially met the man you're going to marry. And you met him on fucking TINDER. His name is Thasban and he cares about you so, so, so much. You love each other and you eat a lot and the sex is amazing and you really, really think he might be the one. You do have your ups and downs but overall I have a feeling that it's written in the stars that we're meant to be together. We clicked so easily and we fell so fast and we talk about the stupidest things like our future and marriage and kids and it's been less than a year but it feels like forever in the best way possible and you're just so, so in love and so happy with him. He's your fucking wallpaper on your iphone(8) dude!!! Sometimes things get rough but hey all things do, you just need to take a step back and realise where you're at and realise that EVERYTHING IS OKAY. 

SO overall, things are picking up for ya, kiddo! Hopefully 2018 is the year things go well for you. I'll check back in a few years or sooner or maybe never. You're getting better :)