Sunday, January 21, 2018


Hey, kiddo. It's me. Been a while, huh? You're turning 21 soon!!!!! When you were 14, you didn't think you'd last the year! And look at you now, still on this goddamn planet 7 years later!! Well done :)

Alright, some life updates.
You made it through college!! College was a mess. You had a kinda-somewhat girlfriend, you drank yourself into oblivion, you made amazing friends, you reconnected with Ebony, you got a boyfriend, you DIRECTED A PLAY, you flunked most of your subjects but overall I guess it turned out okay for you? Highlights of college were definitely meeting people and reconnecting with old people and PRODUCTION!! You acted in a play!! You DIRECTED a play!!! Who does that with finals less than a few months away?!?!?! YOU, that's who!! The lows of college include said kinda-somewhat girlfriend and shitty coping mechanisms that you've grown out of now! I think having her in your life was horrible and problematic but it taught you a lot about the kind of person you want to be with in the future. Having a serious boyfriend was fun while it lasted but it made you realise that you shouldn't settle for someone just because they're nice. Flunking A levels was tough but it brought you to a path that seemed a little brighter and now you're in a university doing pretty well and hopefully will end up in an environment where you thrive. You cut yourself quite a bit in college. It was tough for you. Family things were rough too. Your dad moved out. That still gets a little tough once in a while but you're tougher now. And even if you're not, you're dealing with it and that's OKAY. You don't have to be perfect.

University updates! Now you're in university!!! Holy shit, you used to think secondary school was gonna be a nightmare but goddamn I wish I could go back sometimes. You're currently pursuing a degree of Business and Commerce from Monash, which I know sounds awfully boring to past-Dhan, but is actually pretty cool and pretty relatable! You've made some friends in uni so far but I think you're gonna need a little more time before you feel like you're a part of that group. Keep studying! Keep doing well! You have goals and you need to work so you can get to them.

Family updates! Your relationship with mum is going great! You talk a lot more and you're honest with each other so things are going pretty smoothly. Just try not to bring up the fact that you're hella bisexual. Dad is okay. You don't really see him much and you don't really talk to him much. He's done some fucked up things but at the heart of it he's still your dad and you do love him and you do feel sorry for putting him through the crap you did. Anisha is good! You need to talk to her more often! She's working in Scotland now and sometimes you don't talk for ages but things are still good.

LOVE LIFE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!! Alright this is a big one. You may or may not have potentially met the man you're going to marry. And you met him on fucking TINDER. His name is Thasban and he cares about you so, so, so much. You love each other and you eat a lot and the sex is amazing and you really, really think he might be the one. You do have your ups and downs but overall I have a feeling that it's written in the stars that we're meant to be together. We clicked so easily and we fell so fast and we talk about the stupidest things like our future and marriage and kids and it's been less than a year but it feels like forever in the best way possible and you're just so, so in love and so happy with him. He's your fucking wallpaper on your iphone(8) dude!!! Sometimes things get rough but hey all things do, you just need to take a step back and realise where you're at and realise that EVERYTHING IS OKAY. 

SO overall, things are picking up for ya, kiddo! Hopefully 2018 is the year things go well for you. I'll check back in a few years or sooner or maybe never. You're getting better :)



Wednesday, June 15, 2016



Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Well. It's been a while, huh? Things have CHANGED since the last post.
Allow me to..elaborate.

  • I'm kinda getting used to my class. I mean, at some points I'm just like WTF am I doing here?! but its way better. It kinda sucks having only like 4/5 barely close friends in your class but I'm dealing with it.
  • That 'love of my life'? LOOOOOOL that feels like history. He is 'so last summer'. 
  • More on boys. There's this one guy....I'm gonna call him Roberto (because that is a sexy name) and we started off as friends but now we're sorta...blurring that line between friends and more than friends. It's all very confusing and I honestly with every fibre of my being want to be MORE than friends but, well, guess not. ): 
  • Lessons are torture. History is balls. It really is. My art teacher DESPISES me. She gave me an E. For a mind blowing painting of a bird that took me ages (90 minutes tops) because apparently, I WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE PAINTING A BIRD. Bishh, please.
  • Of non-class friends. So you know I've got 4 best friends who were from my old class? Yeah, things are getting weird now. One of them is becoming more..distant. And I'm always the last to know about things (she only tells me because the other 3 persuade her, pfft.) and I tell her EVERYTHING. I guess its just because I'm not in the same class anymore, which makes inside jokes more inside, leaving me out to play the guessing game. Oh well.
  • Ah. The depression part. I was going through depression for a few months. No one really knows the full extent of things but yeah, I was doing the whole cutting, staring into space thinking dark thoughts and a whole lot of others. It wasn't pretty. But, I had Paggie. And she helped me through so much. And Roberto, of course. Plus, I realised that I wasn't the only person going through a tough time, so that gave me a bit of an epiphany. I don't know if I'm using the word right. (:
  • And there's the whole self-esteem thing. Don't gag but guys have been kinda weird lately. The flirty, asking-out thing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not some weird tease, it's just nice to feel..special. Yes, it sounds disgusting written down.
So yeah, things've changed. And I don't know how I'm supposed to feel. Relieved? Confused? Happy? All of those, I guess.
PLUS I"VE BEEN READING SO MUCH OHMYGOSH. Loving it. Haha the nerd in me..
My exams are on the 10th. Kill me, please? 
I should go study now. Or not. I'm just lazing around.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine's Day,

Well, tomorrow is Valentine's day.. Sigh.. So yeah, I'm not a huge Valentine's fan or whatever. Its like, we're mourning the death of Saint Valentine by wearing red, pink or any colours associated with those. And its so commercialized. Don't get me wrong, a nice 'Happy Valentine's day' is nice but I dont like the big HooHaa. All that, 'Baby, will you be my Valentine? More than a Valentine? I agree to be with you for the rest of eternity blah blah blah'. Like, COME ON MAN. We're kids, don't act like you 30. If you are 30 however, I guess its acceptable for you to do so.

So yeah, today was Valentine's. Haha, thats right, I never even posted this last night. So anyway, school had a 'FRIENDSHIP' Day sale today. They changed Valentine's to FRIENDSHIP. Fight the system. ANYWAY, the roses looked incredibly fake but smelt divine so I bought a couple for my friends. ANDTHEN, I saw the current love of my life get down on one knee and ask a girl I am close to, to be his valentine. Fml.

Haha. Its WEDNESDAY NOW. Yes, I am a procrastinator. Sorry. Yeah, Valentine's this year was okay, I guess. On a scale of 1-10, I'd give it 5. (:

I HAVE to post this now! (:



Friday, February 4, 2011

Of Angpao's and Fireworks.

Whats that time of year when there are fireworks in the daytime that last till 5 in the morning? That time of the year when everything goes red and kiddies walk up to you and say 'Gimme some angpao and no one gets hurt' ? But of course, its CHINESE NEW YEAR! To all my Chinese homies, Happy New Year guys!! 
  Am I the only one who has noticed the difference in the amount of money in an angpao packet? Last year, ONE angpao would contain a MINIMUM of 10 bucks! Now, getting 3 bucks is considered lucky enough. I know, I know the economy sucks right now and you'd have to be above 40 to understand it all but whatever. I. Want. ANGPAO. 

Think that's childish? No one cares.

Bruno Mars is coming to town!! In APRIL!! A mere DAY after my birthday! But GUESS WHAT. A day after the concert date was announced, tickets were 100% SOLD OUT. Fml. Seriously. I'd catch a grenade for him, I swear! Sure, his songs are pretty one-sided, all about girls and love but COME ON. You cannot listen to a Bruno Mars song without singing along. Thus scaring innocent passers-by.. Lets all convince Bruno Mars to have 3 days in our lovely country guys!! We can do it! Haha, actually, we most probably couldn't but no harm trying, right? (:

Anyways, that's all for today sooo...BYE!
Dhanyia XD

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Just Thinking..

School. Say this word and like a billion things pop into your head at once. Lame. Teachers. Awesome. Friends. Canteen. And so on. Wanna know how school's like for me now?

IT SUCKS. S. U. C. K. S..

Yes, you read it right, I said SUCKS. At this point I'm gonna do some serious ranting were warned.

So last year I was in this awesome class. Like seriously awesome. All my new friends were jam packed into one class and everyone got to know each other so well, because, lets face it. You're in a new school, and you don't know anyone. Who WOULDN'T wants friends. Apart from that, I had pretty kick ass teachers.
Now 2011. Apparently, I talk waay too much. And for that reason, my teacher shoved me into this crap class. No offence, fellow classmates. So life sucks. Not knowing anyone.. Not talking in class... Ugh.

Not much of a rant, huh? (: 

My iTunes is on shuffle now. Wanna know whats on my Top Favourites list? Allow me to tell you....

  1. Closer To The Edge- 30STM
  2. Sing- MCR
  3. Damn Girl-AAR
  4. Mona Lisa- AAR
  5. Liquid Confidence- You Me At Six
And about like 30 more. I love music.

I daydream a LOT lately. My teachers are all 'DHANYIA PAY ATTENTION!!' 24/7. Who pays attention to Art anyway?! Yeah so DAYDREAMING. A LOT. Mostly about random stuff, like I wonder if its possible to sneeze with your eyes open or if anyone is as sick as 'Justin Bieber is gay' jokes. Seriously, I get that you hate the dude, but grow up. Seriously.

    Anyways, that's pretty much all I have to say today so..

Love from Dhanyia. (: